A surprise snow day has made for a delightful day -- a chance to tidy up the house, to finish reading a book, to do a bit of laundry, and try to finish a little sewing project. The problem is that I'm stuck. No, not stuck in snow! I saw the cutest simple, reversible, little girl dresses the other day at a fair trade store, and as I usually do, thought to myself how easy it would be to make. I have no little girls to sew for, but if this works I'll find someone to try it out on! I made the pattern myself, and thought I could figure out this "simple" dress, but it has gotten the best of me. For the second time I am going to need to take the dress apart and try again! Here it is so far.
I thought I was so smart and -- at my second attempt -- had finally figured out how to do this .... |
Here's side 1. Looks good from here. |
Side 2 -- Ok, so what's the problem? |
Opps! How did this happen? These sides were supposed to be together! And I need to figure out how to get the shoulders together as well. |
Now it's off to trial #3. My seam ripper is close at hand, and I'm ready to go. Maybe this time I'll get it! :)