You don't have to be in an elementary school long to know that kids LOVE Show & Tell time -- whether it's a scheduled "Show & Tell" or not! I don't think we ever completely outgrow "Show & Tell". :) So, here's mine ... The Gathered Clutch! Here a clutch, there a clutch, everywhere a clutch, clutch. Ok -- enough of that. It's just that it came out so cute! I'll be making more of these, I'm sure. This one uses Amy Butler fabric, and is the one made for a swap.
This the back. |
The inside has two pockets on one side for cards. |
And -- the front. |
When I started this project, I decided I might as well make two right away, so... here is the one I made for myself. It uses an additional Amy Butler fabric on the gathered front.
I'm sure I loved show & tell as a kid -- although I can't remember what I might have taken in. Show & Tell ... maybe this is what God does for us every day through his creation. Genesis 1:31 ... "Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way." Wow! His creation is a show and tell that is new and different every day! Something to ponder...
Love mine! I used it last weekend when we went downtown for the night. Wish I had had Tyler snap a picture of me with it for you to add to the this post. You should just get Uncle Tim to take one of you out on the town with yours I guess ;-).