After several weeks of last minute Christmas sewing, it feels nice to sit down at the machine and sew without a deadline!
WeAllSew, featured a "Snowflake" quilt in October as a quilt-along project. The red and aqua color combination caught my eye. It is just the next quilt project I was looking for!
A snowy weekend seems the perfect time to work on my "Snowflake Quilt." |
It's hard to believe this will turn into a quilt large enough to cover a bed! |
The pieces are coming together. |
Thanks for stopping by! To those who follow my sewing blog ... I took a long break from blogging my projects. Keeping a record of my progress helps to motivate me, so.... because I have two quilts in progress, I'm going to "pick up the pen" again ... and the camera ... and the fabric ... and the needles ... you get the point! ... and get going on these quilts!
Enjoy your creative moments, whatever they may be!