Thursday, November 13, 2014

Airport Quiet Book Page

This little Airport Quiet Book page has been in the making for several months.  It was such a fun project to pull out once in a while to work on.  The pattern came from the imagineourlife blog.  If you are interested in this kind of project, follow the link above to see many delightful quiet book pages.

This pattern features the airport with a luggage truck, a plane that can be "flown" across the sky, a helicopter (in place with a snap) and a plane with storage compartment!

Am I too old to play with this??  

The truck is ready to load the luggage!

Hmmm... not much to say about the cover.  It IS a pretty bright green! :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

A new bag for November!

Sew4home recently featured a great tote bag with a designer handle.  I saw it and immediately knew this would be my next bag for carrying my things back and forth to work.  After some frustrations with sewing through layers of leather ... my bag is complete!

Overall, I would say this was a simple bag to make.  After taking some time off from sewing, it feels good to have a finished project again!  Now for a few more finishes...

Fabric & handle supplies:
Outer body:  1/2 yard upholstery fabric from my local fabric store (with a lot left over!)
Lining:  Nothing fancy!  ... from local store
Leather inset:  Recycled leather (also from local fabric store)